Gissa motivet - vinn fint pris!
De tre första rätta svaren belönas med speciellt utvalda priser för varje enskild vinnare.
Kan du motstå denna tävling?
Kan du?
Vad är det för fel på dig?
Kan det vara en sovplats för någon på festen förra helgen :)
Kan det vara.... frost på taket på Passaten? ^^
Frost på passatens huv!
Jaha du, Niclas! Där avslöjade du Ämmas sovplats!
, and I would say yes, here is what you want
to do. This is to avoid overpricing your home and having it stay on the market for
too long. Many house hunters are already flooding the housing market during the spring buying season. However,
since the program had encouraged so many home buyers to purchase a home, the government
decided to extend the program until April 30th and also open it up to more than just first time home
buyers as well. An ethical upsell, although
one that may not be all that good for your health. They help out of town investors keep their properties productive.